Prior to beginning any monoclonal or polyclonal development project, you have the option of meeting with AffinityImmuno’s scientific staff for consultation on antigen design and immunization protocol. Using computer-aided technology, AffinityImmuno’s scientists will analyze peptide sequences relevant to your target antigen and review with you the predicted immunogenicity.
This service is provided free of charge and aids us in selecting the appropriate immunization protocol for your antigen. While we cannot guarantee every peptide sequence will generate an immune response in the host animal, this service has proven very successful in antibody development projects.
AffinityImmuno offers a variety of purification services to complement your antibody project.
From salt fractionation to antigen-specific affinity chromatography, our expert staff will purify your antibody by any of the methods below.
ELISA testing can be useful in measuring and tracking the concentration of antibody in culture supernatants, bleeds, or purified materials.
AffinityImmuno offers several services to help evaluate the purity, concentration, and specificity of your antibody.
Please contact our Customer Support Staff for details of these services.
Our standard polyclonal chicken egg IgY antibody service is a 35-day immunization program, followed by 14 days of egg collection, with the freedom to continue IgY production thereafter.
We are flexible on the immunization schedule and will use serum and egg titers to guide the egg collection timing in order to ensure maximum quality and yield.
Tell us what you need, we'll create a customized solution for you.
Higher affinity: Most mammalian proteins exhibit enhanced immunogenicity in chickens due to phylogenetic distance, and thus raise antibodies of higher affinity. This also makes the production of antibodies against conserved mammalian proteins more successful in chickens than in mammals.
White and Brown Leghorn hens are ideally suited to antibody production and will lay approximately 300 eggs per year. Each egg yolk will have approximately 100mg of total IgY antibody and 0.5mg to 2mg of specific IgY antibody. That is a lot of antibody! The antibodies are sent to clients in the form of total IgY or affinity purified.
This process is easily scaled, meaning that if you need more antibody, we can deliver.
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